As You Like It, Rosalind with Touchstone and Audrey in the Forest of Arden
Image name, Touchstone and Audrey (As You Like It, Shakespeare Santa Cruz,
Touchstone the Clown, Costume Design for "As You Like It" Giclee Print
AS YOU LIKE IT.TOUCHSTONE AND AUDREY.Size 14.5x10 ins. Touchstone the Clown
"Will Shakespeare's 'As You Like It' at ye Globe Theatre will stryke London
so I'm guessing David Tennant is playing Touchstone in As You Like It,
As You Like It
Editor's Pick: As You Like It By John Steele
Frank Bertor as Corin, Dan Totheroh as Touchstone, As You Like It, 1920.
As you Like It : Shakespeare As you Like it is a Romantic Comedy based on
Touchstone in AS YOU LIKE IT (Thanks, rebodden)
Rosalind, Celia & Touchstone (2)- Shakespeare As You Like It. Act II,
Mr J.P. Harley as Touchstone, Act V Scene 1, in as You Like It
Dennis Elkins (Touchstone in this 2001 photo from 'As You Like It'),
As You Like It, Rosalind with Touchstone
As You Like It 1990 As You Like it
It's one of my favorites of the Shakespeare canon… “As You Like It” features
Thea Sharrock will direct Shakespeare's As You Like It at the Globe this
of William Shakespeare's As You Like It. Photo courtesy of Gili Getz.
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