Saturday, February 26, 2011

particles of matter

Structure of Matter

Structure of Matter

Lesson 4 (5:2) Hidden Structure of Matter (Text pp. 92-98)

Lesson 4 (5:2) Hidden Structure of Matter (Text pp. 92-98)

Actually, for every matter particle there corresponds an anti-matter

Actually, for every matter particle there corresponds an anti-matter

Particle atoms in a liquid state

Particle atoms in a liquid state

What is anti-matter? Well to each of the three matter particles there's a

What is anti-matter? Well to each of the three matter particles there's a

Particle atoms in a solid state

Particle atoms in a solid state

fictional elements, materials, isotopes and atomic particles - Some of the

fictional elements, materials, isotopes and atomic particles - Some of the

The Elementary Particles of Matter ranked by their descending mass.

The Elementary Particles of Matter ranked by their descending mass.

A model for the behaviour of particles of matter. Updated 10 Mar 2010

A model for the behaviour of particles of matter. Updated 10 Mar 2010

Matter exhibits a wave-particle duality. An experiment can show the

Matter exhibits a wave-particle duality. An experiment can show the

 sub-atomic particles [1] and that these sub-atomic particles form matter

sub-atomic particles [1] and that these sub-atomic particles form matter

 anti-matter particle produced is soon destroyed by collisions with other

anti-matter particle produced is soon destroyed by collisions with other

Tiny particles of matter called protons and neutrons make up the center of

Tiny particles of matter called protons and neutrons make up the center of

As the fireball cooled over time matter formed

As the fireball cooled over time matter formed

As the Universe expands and cools, more stable, less massive forms of matter

As the Universe expands and cools, more stable, less massive forms of matter

Understanding of Our Universe and It's Evolution - Purdue Particle Physics

Understanding of Our Universe and It's Evolution - Purdue Particle Physics

Structure of matter. Many particles such as protons and neutrons that we

Structure of matter. Many particles such as protons and neutrons that we

The Tau Pulse rifle fires tiny particles of matter that, when fired through

The Tau Pulse rifle fires tiny particles of matter that, when fired through

 that the same rod-like particles, no matter how dilute they are,

that the same rod-like particles, no matter how dilute they are,

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